Heather Powers – Procession

Procession (5:45) United States

Choreographer: Heather Powers & Assistant Choreographer, Carla Michelle

Performers:  Laura Blake, Elise Morris, Heather Powers, Rachel Smith, Liz Stortstrom, Bevin Victoria, Talia Vintzileos

Videographer: Louis Halley

Music: Symphoniaci’ and ‘Ludus’ by Synaulia

What dance styles are being fused?

Transcultural fusion dance (heavily influenced by stylizations from Rachel Brice, Mardi Love and Zoe Jakes), with Modern elements from Isadora Duncan

Artist Statement:

I, Heather of Variat Dance Company, created this piece as a homage to my academic background and love of studying Ancient Greek and Roman art and literature. I combined this with transcultural fusion dance and blended inspirations from modern dancer Isadora Duncan’s work through a reimagining of flowing through poses and shapes with a fusion belly dance lens. It is not meant to be a historical recreation rather meant to evoke and honor the influences art and history have in dance and expressions today.

Image Credit: Casey Campbell